Monday, September 04, 2006

Mini Me ©

The day of reckoning has arrrived.

I have gone ahead and done us all in. Pretty soon you will hear trumpets sound, seals breaking, water turning to blood, and Steve Jobs rising from his European background only to have us implant ipods in to our heads and hands.

I went and bought a MacMini yesterday.

My immdiate question was why?

Well. it's two fold.

1) I am going to be taking some graphic design courses to get a degree and figured I had to have at least something resembeling a Mac to be in tune with the industry.

2) The MacMini is like weed. It's probably the gateway drug to all other Mac paraphernalia. I'm sure I will be paying $100 for a mouse with one button in the future. Why? Because I became an addict with the Mini. Next thing you'll know I will be battling myself over whether I should get dualing 20"s or one 23"...;) (you will understand that if you read the futon.)

Alas, so far so good. I just need some software for this thing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a cute little computer :)
i love you honey, i miss you so much already!! cant wait to see you soon!
the fiance

10:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i picked up a macbookpro about a month ago, the most amazing computer i've ever had.

1:24 AM  

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