Sunday, March 11, 2007

Weekend Update

Hello friends,

I know this blog is primarily for fun and all things awesome, but I figured I'd let you, the faithful reader, a little insight as to the life of Joe. Exciting news in abundance.

1. We are now 68 days away from the BIG day.

2. Planning is going full force, invitations to be distributed next week or so.

3. I have found a place to live once married. It's a lovely apartment in the city of Ladera Ranch. you can check out where we are going to live @

4. I have finally gotten plugged in to ministry at PCC. I have been an ultimate loser while working down here and haven't really contributed to the church. God is good, and has allowed me a place where hopefully I can further his Kingdom. I have met some just stellar people and look forward to growing together with them.

5. Since I now have an apartment locked in, I get to TV shop. This is pretty much what I spend my freetime doing at this point. I sounds pretty fleshly and materialistic. But, to some extent, I believe God put a desire in the hearts of men to research and basically "hunt" for the best TV for them. I am in much joy right now, looking for the best deal. Ultimately I tell myself it will be used in fellowship and thus I have justified the TV purchase. :).

6. On a not so awesom note, I have contracted a sore throat. sad times.

7. This past week I can definately see God's hand at work in this world. So often we forget that our God is the God of the Bible and the true God of all creation. He is the God of my job, my money, my down time, my thoughts, etc. I tend to compartamentalize (sp?) life and keep my spiritual beliefs separate from work and logical practical life decisions concerning finances, choices, and what not. I'm such a loser at times.

God has shown me through the past week at work that I pretty much don't know anything. My humanely worrying about certain issues is really a lack fo trust and faith in Him and that reliance is something that I tend to overlook as a basic Biblical principle for the Christian life. If God is who He claims to be, and He possesses the power and might that is written about Him, then why do I try to do things on my own?

These past two paragraphs probably don't flow, or make alot of sense to you as the reader, but thats okay. I know I didn't really support any of these findings with specific events or examples. I guess as I sit here and think about the grandness of God and the smallness of myself I find great joy in that fact, and hope you would think about that for a second and maybe a smile would come to your face as well.

John 3:31-36

Like I said exciting times.

Thanks guys.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love you honey and im so proud of who you are. God is definitely at work in your life. thanks for always being so willing to be honest and genuine. and yes, you did make me smile, as always.

i miss you.

5:19 PM  

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