Monday, December 11, 2006

Andrea is the Man

Christmas shopping @ Costco is dope.

1. Free samples of food - whilst cruising the warehouse for super factory direct, non-credit processing deals, you can soothe the groans of the spare tire by taking in a little mashed potatoes perhaps, a lovely dixie cup of juicy juice, a cinnamon butter croissant wedge, and the end all piggies in a blanket. The best part of this is I can literally stand in front of the generous vendor, who looks like the lunch lady ( I like to call her my 82 year yound Madame of the Sample), and just keep taking the samples. In fact I have gone to look at dvds and she will even tell me when to come back to get fresh baked ones! Brilliant!

2. If you feel the need to pay for your food - The hotdog/coke combo is probably the best value meal known to man, even ahead of the #2 @ in-n-out, mightier than the Baja Sampler #3 Baja Fresh, and yes, tastier than even the Del Deal @ Del Taco. Not to mantion the chicken bake, pizza and churros!

and finally...

3. Andrea Bocelli, in full HD, singing his sonets of love - Okay, without sounding completely "askew," I really dug the concert they were showcasing on their plasmas and LCDs. I never really got in to the Bocelli before but when he showed off his glorious pipes in 5.1 HD sound, I was captivated. I mean check out that pic. How else is this guy going to get the chicks? Bocelli voica no resisto!


Blogger calebsbrother said...

I hate to rain on the hotdog/coke parade because I am a HUGE costco fan (figuratively and literally)... but.. I recently read this..

I guess I'll have to stop returning 3 year old dvd players because I'm tired of them.

10:57 AM  

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