Bit poop ©
I must say that I will give credit where credit is due. Shiloh showed me the ways of torrenting, and granted it seems like a killer idea with mucho upside. However, for the past couple of days I have been very dissappointed @ the interface and speed of acquisition.
I have tried basically every client there is, transmission, tomatoe, BT, etc. and they are all the same as far as speed of DL. I am literally downloading @ speeds of .1 kbps. Not 1, which is really poop school anyway, but .1. .1 PEOPLE! So uncool. I had made a statement about me being in the stone age using Prodigy on my Tandy whilst I play Wolfenstein 3-d, Duke Nukem, and other various Apogee games. I mean I am down with waiting ya know a couple hours for something, but to have something downloading for like weeks on end? In the words of our governor, "Do it, do it now...kill me, kill me now." "What are you wating for!"
I could probably build my own software in faster time than torrenting it. Did I say software? I meant torrenting "read me" files. Can't get enough of those.
Until next time, I leave you with a DOS encoded goodbye signature
A:> goodbye.exe
.good bye!
C:>Ping Joe
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