Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Intertestamental period.....

I say that with much jest as my writings are nothing close to "testamental."

Anyway, not that anybody checks this blog with regularity, but the year o' silence will soon be broken.

Many have given me flack for the utter lack of attention given to our life as chronicled in the digital world, and to those people, I give commendation. I commend the persistence of urging new and thought out content for your mind's hunger. I commend your curiosity as to the life and times of the people's Pun. Lastly, I commend your vigorous attitude to continue to check our blog even though looking at Rusty in a Giants uniform for the past year has left you callused and jaded.

It is then with great pleasure that I write this teaser trailer of sorts. To inform the readers that soon, very soon, a new and improved interface will be launched...

Until then,
