Tuesday, August 08, 2006

New Blog ©

Hello blogging faithful,

I welcome all new readers to this forum of wits and rants, as well as all my old friends from the "E-Wedgie."

I have come to the conclusion that my blog has reached a point of magnitude that required it to have it's own website. Hence, the page you are reading. I have also changed my publication title to "Between The Lines." The reason for this was because I am migrating more to a "blogs that make you think" kind of feel, rather than my old "blogs that are outrageously and uncontrollably funny" feel. Will their be uncontrollable hilarity, yes, will there still be posts with randomized pictures of people gone wrong, of course. I just wanted a title that spawns thinking, and questioning.

That being said, I encourage you to read "between the lines," during your moments at work when the boss isn't around, or late at night when you have nothing to do, or even before you have your morning cup of glorious caffinated brew. Anyway you slice it, we here at BTL consider you, the reader, in the highest regard.

Checkout my website @ www.beckylovesjoe.com

Or read all my old entries at the "E-Wedgie" @ http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.ListAll&friendID=18122249

Until the next bit a late breaking news,

Editor in Chief


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